Biomass Fuels

Our biomass heating systems utilize the full range of solid biomass. This makes you as the operator independent of any specific fuel.

Miscanthus & energy crops

Energiepflanze Miscanthus


Stroh als Energielieferant

Grain, grain fines & husks

Getreide und Spelzen als Energielieferant

All biomass from landscape management

Energiepflanze Miscanthus
  • Waste wood
  • Reeds
  • Landscaping Hay
  • Shrub and tree pruning

Biomass residues

Biomasse aus der Landschaftspflege als Energielieferant
  • Horse stable bedding pellets
  • Grape marc pellets
  • Fermentation residue pellets
  • Coffee residue pellets
  • Bio-mix pellets

Wood chips

Biomasse aus der Landschaftspflege als Energielieferant

Energy crop Miscanthus

Chinese reed (Miscanthus sinensis giganteus) has a reed-like growth habit and reaches heights of up to a maximum of 400 cm. Originally, Chinese reeds grew in Japan - contrary to the name - and were brought to Europe in 1935, where they thrived excellently.

From farmer to energy manager

In 1986, Herbert Fellner started growing Miscanthus on his agricultural land in Hirschau (Upper Palatinate/Bavaria). The altitude above sea level is 540 m. Different varieties of Miscanthus were planted on 17 ha on different soils (BP: 18-28). Alone 30 genotypes of Miscanthus sinensis from different origins were tested for yield in plot trials. "Over the years, the yield over the entire area has been 12-15 t/ha," explains Herbert Fellner. The yield also remains constant despite being over 30 years old. "Miscanthus is a wild plant, it reproduces vegetatively and renews itself continuously - there is no age limit!"

Parallel to the trials, the ÖKOTHERM® combustion technology was developed, which enables the combustion of biomasses with a low ash melting point and high ash content. With a 450 kW ÖKOTHERM® heating system, Fellner has been heating exclusively with miscanthus for over 20 years. Approximately 90,000 litres of heating oil are replaced annually.

A.P. Bioenergietechnik GmbH
Träglhof 6
92242 Hirschau

   +49 9608 9230128

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